I'm restless.
I began my first regular job at age 12. I was a paperboy. Seven days a week, 365 days a year, I and my dog delivered newspapers before the sun came up, before breakfast, before going to school. I have only good memories about this job.
About the same time I began seasonal farm work. I picked strawberries, tomatoes and grapes. As I got older I trimmed and tied grapes, drove and replaced vineyard posts, stretched and stapled wire. At times the work was monotonous. Grapes were trimmed and the vineyards prepared during the dormant season which meant some days of cloudy skies, below freezing temperatures, wind and snow. Heavy mittens with a free index finger helped but the stinging cold found it's way to fingers that hurt. Still, I have good memories.
Before I got old enough to drive I talked my father into buying a lawn mower for me. I found a few yards to mow as a means of earning money. I wonder if I ever repaid him? I can't remember.
I've had more short-term, part-time jobs than I can remember. I've also had four extended full-time jobs. Most of my adult life I've worked on salary. There was a two year period in the early 1970's when I punched a time card while working at a Ford stamping plant -- an extremely well paid drudgery job with almost no good memoires.
Today, I have a good job, an excellent well-paid, stable job. I work in a safe and comfortable environment. I work with good people. I have the kind of job that most people want.
But, I'm restless. I don't want safe and comfortable. I want to be out in the weather with a job that leaves me physically tired but feeling alive.
Why am I feeling this way? Most of my adult life I'm been in positions where I was in charge. One of the attractions of my current job is than I'm not in charge, I don't have a staff to supervise and I can leave at the end of the day without lingering responsibility. Am I restless because I'm not as invested in my job as in previous positions?
Is it because I'm getting older and the importance of physical active has increased? Or, is it the winter with less sunlight and less opportunity to be outside during free time so I'm operating on a sunshine deficit?
The bottom line is I don't know why I'm restless. What I do know is that it's cold, cloudy and there's a slight chance of rain. I'm going to cut firewood. If I'm lucky, I'll get chilled, damp with rain and fatigued. I'll come home feeling content.