Anticipating a Good Week
We are without Internet service at home.
We arrived home from our trip and the service was not working. I checked several items, phoned for service, spoke with a pleasant and highly-trained man in India and learned several things from his expertise. In the end he opened a service request and we are waiting for call from someone local (i.e. within 200 miles) who will repair the system in a week or so.
We obtain service via satellite and it appears the electronic components on the antenna have failed. Winter-before-last we didn't have service on cold mornings with the temperature near zero. After the sun warmed the antenna the service returned. I removed a cosmetic plastic piece to enable the sun to warm the parts directly and service returned more quickly on cold mornings. I couldn't find a quick or simple solution to the current problem.
Actually, other than having to pay a few hundred dollars to get the antenna repaired, I'm glad this has happened. It's good to be reminded of life before the Internet. Today I accomplished more work than I would have since coming in to take a break generally involved checking email ad browsing news stories. Today I worked around the yard, had coffee and talked with Julie during a break and went back to work sooner. Definitely pleasant!
During the coming week I hope to find the time to write something that requires a little thought, something more than quick thoughts and accompanying photos.
This week without Internet service should be interesting, entertaining and helpful in remembering the things that are important in life.
We arrived home from our trip and the service was not working. I checked several items, phoned for service, spoke with a pleasant and highly-trained man in India and learned several things from his expertise. In the end he opened a service request and we are waiting for call from someone local (i.e. within 200 miles) who will repair the system in a week or so.
We obtain service via satellite and it appears the electronic components on the antenna have failed. Winter-before-last we didn't have service on cold mornings with the temperature near zero. After the sun warmed the antenna the service returned. I removed a cosmetic plastic piece to enable the sun to warm the parts directly and service returned more quickly on cold mornings. I couldn't find a quick or simple solution to the current problem.
Actually, other than having to pay a few hundred dollars to get the antenna repaired, I'm glad this has happened. It's good to be reminded of life before the Internet. Today I accomplished more work than I would have since coming in to take a break generally involved checking email ad browsing news stories. Today I worked around the yard, had coffee and talked with Julie during a break and went back to work sooner. Definitely pleasant!
During the coming week I hope to find the time to write something that requires a little thought, something more than quick thoughts and accompanying photos.
This week without Internet service should be interesting, entertaining and helpful in remembering the things that are important in life.