Sunday, March 15, 2009

Morning Walk by the Lake

On Saturday afternoon Julie and I walked the circumference of Greenfield Lake, a distance of five miles. At one point, we encountered a young man in his thirties, shaved head, large tattoo on the back of his head, dark hooded jacket printed with skulls and a large knife the size of a bayonet in a scabbard hanging from his belt. He was pleasant and wanted to talk.

Cypress trees in fog.
Cypress Trees. (Larger version)

In the course of our conversation, he mentioned he was watching the two tents and some movie props that were behind him. A wedding for One Tree Hill was being filmed but the cloudy weather had forced a delay. He spoke about the beauty of the lake in the early morning light as it was hidden in a fog. He had taken enough photos to fill the memory card on his camera. I looked about and could imagine fog, a still morning, the occasional sound of a splash and the sense of a fleeting, perfect day being born.

We had been told to look for alligators below the bridge but saw none; nor did I see one during my morning walk. (Larger version)

This morning I woke early, invited Julie, who declined, and returned to the lake. The experience exceeded my imagination.

Across the lake.
Looking across the lake. (Larger version)

Multiple herons teased me by moving behind trees and brush. As I moved to a spot with an unobstructed view and raised the camera, they would fly to another spot. (Larger version)

This duck sat on the bridge railing and let me walk close. I planned on photographing his eye but as I depressed the shutter button he suddenly moved. He was a better model than I a photographer. I'm happy with the memory and pleased with the photo. (Larger version)

Neighboring trees.
Shortly after I took this photo I turned back toward the car and it began to right lightly. I got in the car and listened to the music on the roof for a few minutes. (Larger version)


Blogger Round Belly said...

THank you for your lovely pictures.

3/15/2009 07:46:00 PM  
Blogger Alex Pendragon said...

Paul, these are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen you post. By the way, contact me for directions if you are headed you know where.

3/16/2009 06:46:00 PM  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Catching up: enjoying pictures on the last three posts. I'm sure it's nice for you to change environments for a while.

3/18/2009 10:10:00 AM  

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