My Ideal Candidate
Here's my ideal candidate for president.
That's my choice. As for platform and positions on the issues, I really don't care. Having a person of integrity who is truly representative of Americans would be enough for me.
That's it. That's my one and only political statement for this year.
- Female
- Part Hispanic, part Black, part White.
- Born to a low income illegal immigrant family
- Raised in a broken home by a single mom
- Earned everything through hard work
- Educated at a state university
- Intelligent, independent, questioner of accepted truths
- Never reveals her tentative and evolving religious beliefs
- Unassailable integrity and ethics
- Proven leadership ability
- No experience in Washington
- Advocates responsible citizenship but not patriotism
- Comfortably wealthy but not overly rich
- Not a member of either major political party
- Sees wars other than wars of last resort reactive self-defense as moral and diplomatic failures
- Characterized by compassion, wisdom and a belief in self-reliance
- Believes in and practices democracy
- Commits self to appointing intelligent and fearless advisors with dissenting opinions and philosophies without regard to political affiliation
- Does not use fear as a means of manipulation
That's my choice. As for platform and positions on the issues, I really don't care. Having a person of integrity who is truly representative of Americans would be enough for me.
That's it. That's my one and only political statement for this year.