Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Home from Santa Fe

Just before we left for Santa Fe this lizard was saved from one of the cats by Julie. She tossed a towel over it. Earlier in the week she grabbed one by the tail. She ended up with a wiggling tail and the shortened lizard escaped her but not the cat.

Petrified rattlesnake.
I found this petrified rattlesnake beside the walk. Did it die due to one of the cats or some other cause? Due to it's size I assume it hatched this year. It's the first rattlesnake I've seen this year. I'm wondering if the cats have reduced the rodent population and the snakes are hunting elsewhere.

This cauliflower was small before our trip. The drip system worked well with the exception of one half of one bed. Chard, kale, brussel sprouts and cauliflower had begun to wilt. We got home just in time. I adjusted the timer and haven't had a problem since.

Red Cabbage.
Red cabbage was on the drip line that didn't provide enough water. However, the cabbage was in fine condition.

This peppermint was planted a few days before we left. I had two dripers in the pot but removed one just before we left.

Julie watering Bee Plant.
Julie watering a native Bee Plant that sprouted in a fortunate location. We purchased twelve xeric plants while in Santa Fe and planted them early this morning.


Blogger graceonline said...

Thoroughly enjoyed your images and commentary this morning. I could almost smell the clean, desert air.

6/30/2010 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Alex Pendragon said...

Meanwhile, We're getting soaked..........

Great post Paul; thank you!

6/30/2010 05:42:00 PM  
Blogger Malcolm said...

congratulations on rescuing the lizard... sorry the tail discarding Houdini was not as fortunate!

7/08/2010 02:07:00 PM  

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