Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mexico City and Teotihucan

I intended to post these while in Mexico but time and technical problems prevented me from doing so. Better late than never.

Using the only easily accessible electrical outlet. (Larger version)

A Diego Rivera mural. (Larger version)

A more impress Diego Rivera mural. (Larger version)

A stranger walking in front of the mural gives an indication of its size. (Larger version)

Another mural with a theme of oppression and torture. The flames under their feet, the hands folded in supplication and the snarling dog. The hands and the dog drew my attention. (Larger version)

Police waiting patiently for the last drum to be moved after instructing street performers to move out of the street and onto the sidewalk. (Larger version)

The cathedral in the historic section of Mexico City. (Larger version)

Police in force. (Larger version)

A person dropped money into this street performers box and motioned for a kiss on the cheek from the tourist. I challenged Julie to ask him for a kiss on the cheek. (Larger version)

This photo cost me two dollars. As I started to take a photo the performers noticed me since I was taller than anyone in the crowd. Wait! One guy jumped into the arms of the other and posed. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of the circle with about 100 spectators. I was the brunt of several jokes in Spanish. Occasionally one of them would ask a question in rough English. In the end they passed the hat to me and I paid for my photo. Good fun for everyone! (Larger version)

Basillica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This was an interesting history lesson. (Larger version)

Workmen making replicas of meso-american artifacts. (Larger version)

Replicas of meso-american artifacts. This tourist stop wasn't by choice but the workmen in the photo above made it interesting. (Larger version)

A photo from Teotihucan. (Larger version)

A photo from Teotihucan. (Larger version)

The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan. (Larger version)

Climbing the Pyramid of the Sun. (Larger version)

Part way up the Pyramid of the Sun. In the background is the Avenue of the Dead which is about 2 miles long. Teotihuacan is impressive. (Larger version)

Standing on the Pyramid of the Moon and looking down the Avenue of the Dead toward the Pyramid of the Sun. (Larger version)

Exquisite detail at Teotihuacan. (Larger version)

Julie standing beside the cathedral in Mexico City. (Larger version)


Blogger Alex Pendragon said...


1/17/2008 11:11:00 AM  
Blogger Malcolm said...

Really enjoyed this little trip to Mexico! Thanks for taking me there, posibly the closest I'll ever come to the real thing.

1/20/2008 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Tim Hodgens said...

Ditto to malcolm's comment.

Julie has short hair and long hair!


1/24/2008 05:21:00 PM  

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